Year 15

Birthday candles” by synx508 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

I really have hardly written anything here except flight and ride logs (with maybe 4 or 5 exceptions) since about 2010. I’ve never really posted much (maybe anything?) here about work or my infosec/blueteam/DFIR interests. However, today, mostly because I was trying to remember when the Tour de Donut ride was that I got the t-shirt I’m wearing today, I did a very quick run back through the history of this blog. When it started it was over on Blogger, I moved it to my own server when Blogger went through some changes that made it more of a pain to use. It has been running on a VPS for quite a few years now. But, while looking through all those old posts, I realized that I actually started this (and the church blog) in January of 2008, which means this blog is now 15 years old. I don’t know if I will ever get back to writing much here. I am so frustrated with politics these days that I feel like I should just to get it off my chest, but I can’t bring myself to go to the effort of actually writing it up. These days, when I see what has become of the Republican party that I belonged to for more than 25 years, it makes me sick. Tonight will be the President Biden’s State of the Union address, which, honestly, I probably won’t watch, and which will be followed by some vacuous meanderings from Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Kevin McCarthy has sold his soul to become Speaker of the House and will soon manufacture a debt ceiling crisis without having any sort of plan for how to deal with the debt he suddenly claims is the most important issue of our time. I know that the Democrats aren’t saints, but at least they are willing to talk about real issues that effect real people, and have some sort of a governing philosophy. The Republican party simple exists to blow stuff up. And, that make me very sad. So, I’ll probably go quiet again for months or years after this post, but I am still here. I am still thinking about these things. These days, I mostly just like or retweet posts on twitter that are in line with my political/religious/spiritual leanings, but as I said, I just can bring myself to expend the energy to put them in my own words.

I haven’t posted a Year in Riding or a Year in Flying for several years because I have done very little to none of that for several years. I’ve kept my FAA 3rd class (well, Special Issuance) medical current, but haven’t actually operated the controls of an airplane since 2016. I hope to rectify that this year, but I thought the same last year. I didn’t even get 100 miles in on my bike last year because of another herniated disk. I was doing well and thought that 2022 would be a better year, right up until the Friday before Easter. That day, I was mowing the lawn and got the zero turn mower stuck in the mud (not all that unusual an occurrence, especially in the spring). I stood up to step off the mower and pull it out of the mud and had excruciating pain in my lower back and running down my left leg. I suffered through the weekend and on Mon went to my chiropractor since he had gotten me through a similar incident back in about 2014 or so by using the traction machine. This time, though, when the “decompression” finished I was in so much pain I could barely get off the table and could not sit down. I immediately went across the street to the OrthoNeuro Urgent Care (which closed a few months later). To make a long story short, I was using a cane to get around for the next 2 months. I got 2 steroid injections in my back. One in May, the second in June, which helped tremendously. I was able to ditch the cane in late-June or early-July and the pain finally completely disappeared in mid-to-late Nov.

I also never posted here about finally becoming a SANS Certified Instructor which occurred during the pandemic (Sep 2021). The last half of 2022, I finally was able to teach in-person classes again and got to travel on SANS’ dime as I taught in Austin, TX; Sydney, Australia; Prague, Czechia; Tokyo, Japan; and Paris, France in the last 5 months of the year. In fact, I had 9 trips of 7+ days in the second half of 2022 including the 2 annual visits to the parental units in Durham, NC in July and Dec. After the latter, I finally fell victim to Covid despite having a total of 4 shots for it (the second booster, the bivalent one in Sep shortly before the beginning of the international travel). I’ll be traveling again (including internationally) to teach in 2023, but not at the same pace as those last 5 months of last year.

I’m pretty sure that no one but me actually has read anything there that I didn’t put a link to on Facebook or some other social media site, but Happy Birthday to me (well, my blog anyway).

Yet another update, welcome 2022

Okay, so it has been 2 years since I last posted anything there. I am still alive, but I haven’t posted any “Year in riding” or “Year in flying” posts because, mostly thanks to covid, I haven’t done much riding or any flying in the last 2 years. I am hoping to rectify that this year. I do have a few things that I will post shortly, but I probably will never post as much here as I did leading up to the 2008 election. I simply am not as willing to share my thoughts and feelings these days. Anyway, if anyone is actually still following me, look forward to a few posts in coming weeks.

Some random thoughts for March

Okay, I still don’t have the time (or more accurately the motivation) to write up the book thing, I promise I’ll get it out in the next few days though, but I did want to post some links to some other people’s work.

  • I’ve mentioned it before, I really like a lot of the stuff that Don Brown writes over at Get the Flick.  Anyway, I finally figured out that we don’t disagree as much as I thought about ADS-B and the FAA’s NextGen project.  He wrote a piece this week making fun of Newt Gingrich (well, several, all probably well deserved, but I digress).  The key thing I finally figured out is that ADS-B and GPS can be very useful for general aviation (i.e., my flying), but won’t be the panacea the FAA brass tries to claim for commercial aviation (which is all most people really think about when they hear the word aviation).  The real problem there is (as Don has pointed out before) “it’s the runways, stupid”.  Even for GA, however, the price can be a problem, especially if the ADS-B can’t replace the Mode C transponder.
  • He also, posted 2 excellent stories last month that should be required reading by those pushing for an entirely “space-based” air traffic control system.  Radar can’t and won’t ever go away completely.
  • Although a bit overcast and windy, it is over 70°F today and would have been a nice day to fly.  Sigh…
  • Also from Don, last week, another story about why the suggestion of privatizing ATC is just plain stupid.  We have the busiest airspace in the world by quite a bit.  User fees (which I think would be inevitable in a privatized ATC world) would kill general aviation in this country just like it has in Europe, Canada, and Australia.
  • Okay, the labels would suggest that I’m not only going to talk about flying stuff.  Also, via Don’s blog, (yes, I do read other things, but he had a number of good stories in the last month that I had marked in my RSS reader to share with my friends) Martin Wolf of the Financial Times, a rather conservative economic commentator, also saying the $787B stimulus package was too small.  Which reminds me, I may not have cared much for our former President at times, but I don’t recall actually wishing that he would fail, so it really bothers me that there are a bunch of bitter Republicans (including the blowhard Limbaugh) who are actively hoping to see the current President fail.  How can you call yourself an American and say you hope the President will fail when he hasn’t even been in office 2 months yet?  If he fails (especially now), we all pay the price.  It just makes me sick. (Okay, end of rant, I promise)
  • And, finally (for today) from Fred Anderson’s blog, a story by Kent Nerburn that touched me.
  • Oh, wait, I guess that wasn’t my final thought for today.  Thanx to Facebook, I’ve gotten back in touch lately with a number of classmates from high school and college.  I’ll admit, I didn’t really talk to (or care for) some of them that much back in the day, but we’ve all (well, at least I have) grown up some since then, so it is kind of cool finding out what they are up to now.  One of my good friends from high school will be having knee replacement surgery on St. Patrick’s Day (at the ripe old age of 47), so I’d appreciate it if you’d keep her in your prayers (though I won’t share her name here because I haven’t asked her if it would be okay).

I’m alive again, and the blizzard (not) of ’08

Well, at 23:00 last night the temperature was 54°F, at midnight it was 44°F, and at 07:00 this morning, it was 14°F. That drop reminds me so much of the blizzard of ’78 (wow, was that really 30 years ago last week?). Alas, this time, we got the rain to start, but didn’t get the snow. We did have wind gusts of about 60 mph this morning. Meanwhile, it could be worse, Matt is dealing with -26°F and a broken windshield this morning, Shane is still in Iraq, and, at least, I’m on solid food again (you don’t really want to know what I’ve been through since Sunday morning, trust me on this one). On the other hand, if you’re looking for a way to lose 8 pounds in 2 days, this one works, but I’d just as soon pass.