Flight Log – 2015-10-25

The battery died on my Stratus2, so I don’t have the map of my flight track, but I took Sherry and her friend Loretta up to check out the fall foliage from 2500 ft (Loretta even put her hands on the controls for a bit 🙂 ).  It was a little bumpy, but the color were beautiful.  1.1 on the Hobbs

Takeoffs & Landings: 1
Approaches: 0
New airports: 0
Time: 1.1
Total time: 231.8

Flight Log – 2015-10-23

Another beautiful day for flying.  It was pretty much clear at KVTA, when I took off, but the time I got near I43, the haze had turned into overcast at about 4000, so I talked to Huntington Approach and got a few minutes of actual instrument time.  Temp = 17°C, wind 080@08, altimeter = 30.28 (dropped to 30.24 by the time I got back to KVTA).  Flew about 160nm, flew GPS approaches to I43 and 3I2, but since I wasn’t under the hood, they don’t count.  The colors on some of the trees were amazing, I don’t think the pictures do it credit.


Takeoffs & Landings: 3
Approaches: 0
New airports: 2
Distance: 158 nm
Time: 1.8
Total time: 230.7

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Flight log – 2015-08-06

I needed to fly to remain current to rent at KVTA (I was probably technically 2 days late, but they didn’t mention it, so I didn’t bring it up).  The radar looked like it was going to be ugly, I chose to fly NW rather than S to avoid the yellow returns, but when I actually got there and airborne there was no rain, just an overcast at about 6000 ft.  So, I made landings at 4 airports and got a nice 1.3 hours on the Hobbs.  Temp – 17°C, wind – 010@06, ceilings – overcast @ 6000. Interestingly, in looking back at my log book after I got home, I discovered that I did this same flight in reverse (KVTA-4I3-4I9-KMNN-KVTA) almost exactly 7 years ago (2008-08-17), but it was clear and much warmer (and bumpier) that day (28°C).


Takeoffs & Landings: 4
Approaches: 0
New airports: 0
Distance: 118 nm
Time: 1.3
Total time: 228.9

Pedal with Pete metric century 2015

For the 4th year in a row, I rode the Pedal with Pete Cerebral Palsy ride. This is one of my favorites, it is well organized and well run (though there was an issue with lack of arrows at one of the first turns 🙂 ).  There was also a sign at the finish stating that since Pete (who has CP) started his foundation in 1993, they have raised over $950,000.  This isn’t a ride I solicit donations for, I simply pay the registration fee, but they’ve done an amazing thing here. There were 1000 participants (I think that included the walkers, too) this year and they offered 7 routes ranging from 7 mi for the kids to a century (100 mi). Last year, rain kept me from riding the metric century, but this year the weather was perfect, so I went for it. It is actually slightly longer than a metric century (100 km), it was just over 64, so my “stretch goal” was 4 hours for the ride (which would have been right at 16.0 mph). I actually beat that comfortably. I also must have been channeling my brother-in-law Bill Devorick and became the “social butterfly” because I rode in several groups (especially on the way out) and talked to more people on this ride than I have probably since Tami King moved away. Temp (min/avg/max) – 62.6/74.6/82.4, wind from W @ 6, max grade – 3.6%, total climbing – 461ft, HRM zones 3-5 2:27, HR (min/avg/max) – 91/150.0/177. 64.49 mi (103.79 km) in 3:52:51, avg = 16.62 mph (26.75 km/h), max = 29.8 mph (48.0 km/h).

2015 Bike MS Central Ohio Challenge 50 miler

Two years ago, Erin and I rode this ride (it was in New Albany then) and this year when I decided to ride it again, she said she wanted to ride it “with me.”  Unfortunately, for the last week her knee has been balky, so we decided discretion was the better part of valor and she didn’t actually end up riding it.  They’ve since moved it out to Dublin and the ride goes into Union County.  Given all the rain we’ve seen in the last month, this could have been kind of ugly, but we ended up with a gorgeous day for a ride through some beautiful countryside.  As of the start of the ride, I was tied for 4th place among all fundraisers with $1195 and may get a few more donations in the next few days, so I’m very thankful to everyone who supported us.  This was the first ride with a working fairing since my encounter with the deer almost a year ago, and it probably did help a little on the brief headwind sections.  I also have some thoughts that I won’t share here for the sadist who put so many hills in the last quarter of the ride (which to that point hadn’t exactly been flat, but had gradual ascents and descents).  Temp (min/avg/max) – 59.0/68.5/75.2, wind from NW @ 5, max grade 4.0%, total climbing – 704, HRM zones 3-5 2:53, HR (min/avg/max) – 112/153.0/174, 54.37 mi (87.50 km) in 3:32:09, avg – 15.38 mph (24.75 km/h), max – 25.5 mph (41.0 km/h).

Also, here are a couple of pictures



2015-07-11 14_14_11-OHA 2015 Bike MS_ Central Ohio Challenge - National MS Society

Dirty Laundry

When I first started my blog over on blogger back in 2007/2008, I wrote a lot more.  Over the years for various reasons, I stopped that, but today, I just have to write the post that I can’t put on the church blog even though I want to.

In 2005, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ passed a resolution supporting marriage equality for the LGBT brothers and sisters among us.  At the time, the plan was to hold a series of forums with members at Grace to discuss what the action by Synod did and didn’t mean, how they arrived at their decision, etc.  Alas, there were some members who were so incensed by the Synod action that they chose (while the pastor was away on vacation) to call a congregational meeting to condemn the Synod action.  Ultimately, that meeting in Sept 2005 was as nasty a meeting as I’ve endured in my local congregation in my 50+ years in churches.  The haters (and no, I don’t use that term lightly) shouted down any attempt to have rational discussion or split the motion and vote on its 2 separate provisions individually.  They had instituted a calling campaign and “members” showed up for that meeting that I had never seen before though I had been attending for 8 years at that time.  They as much as said that some of our members, some of our families and family members, were somehow “less than” and not worthy of God’s love.  To this day there are still members who have psychic scars and hard feelings from that meeting, while there are others who arrogantly boast of that accomplishment.  I’m sure you can tell from the words that I used in that paragraph how I feel about that whole episode.

In the next few days, the United States Supreme Court is likely to rule that same-sex couples should be allowed to receive the legal benefits of marriage just as any heterosexual couple.  At that point, Grace Church will need to take a serious look at the action it took 10 years ago.  The resolution that we passed (by a vote of 70-35) violates every single one of our professed core values.  There is no joy or love in that action, only hate and judgement.  There is no faith or leadership, only “tradition.”  There is certainly no welcoming community, in fact, it is stating that some of our members (and family) are somehow less than others, not worthy of God’s love or not worthy to make their commitment to their partner and family before God.  Further, it has put the pastors of Grace Church for these last 10 years in the uncomfortable position of having to choose between their conscience and what they believe God is calling them to do on the one hand, and their job on the other.  And make no mistake, all three settled pastors and both interim pastors have struggled with this dilemma.  As long as same-sex marriage was not legal in Ohio, this could be shoved in the corner and ignored, but in a few days time, that won’t be an option anymore.  As uncomfortable as it will be, we will have to stand up and decide if what we professed were our core values were merely pretty words or if we really meant them.  And if we really meant them, then we have no choice but to repeal the action we took 10 years ago.  We cannot claim to be a welcoming community and say that some of our members are not welcome to be married by our pastor and/or in our building.  We cannot claim to love all and yet say that some people aren’t deserving of the legal protections in their relationship that most of us enjoy.  We cannot claim to lead and serve and at the same time exclude those in our midst who make us uncomfortable.  We cannot claim to be lead by faith in Jesus Christ and then turn our backs on the those that society treats poorly.  We cannot claim joy as a core value and then deny the joy of celebrating a holy, lifelong commitment before God, between two people who love each other with all their hearts just because they are both the same sex. Jesus made the Pharisees very uncomfortable when he spent time with those on the fringes of society.  It is time for us to stop behaving like the Pharisees and start acting more like Jesus.  We need to stand with those that are on the margins, those who don’t act or look like us, those who make us uncomfortable and let them know that God loves them and they (we) are worthy of that love.  I’ve spent the last 10 years, knowing in my heart that the decision we made was not Godly, but not wanting to reopen wounds that never entirely healed, I remained silent. I can’t, in good conscience, do that any more.  God is demanding that I speak.  This may cost me some friends.  It may cost Grace Church some members, but following Jesus is not a popularity contest.  In fact, it is often lonely and uncomfortable, but if we call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ, this is what we are required to do.  We’ll see what happens.

London Strawberry Festival Ride

London Strawberry Festival 44-miler. Got a little turned around at the first rest stop, if you zoom in you see me do a little loop in S Chareleston.  Chilly, overcast. Really didn’t enjoy the headwind for the last 20 miles at all. Temp 57.9-64.4°F, wind from NNE @ 8, max grade 4.2%, total climbing 614 ft, HRM zones 3-5 2:14, avg HR = 152.9, max HR = 173. 45.03 mi (72.47 km) in 2:56:16, avg = 15.33 mph (24.67 km/h), max speed = 30.0 mph (48.3 km/h).

Flight Log – 2015-06-04

Got another flight in yesterday over my lunch hour.  Temp 24°C, winds 090@05, ceilings – broken 3200, overcast 7500.  Added 2 new airports to my list, too, KEOP and 22I and did a 360 around Sherry’s aunt and uncle’s place while they were out in the yard.  It was a fairly nice day to fly and I hand flew all of it (being in the plane without an autopilot).


Takeoffs & landings: 3
Approaches: 0
New airports: 2
Distance: 136 nm
Time: 1.6
Total time: 227.6

Ride 2 Recovery 2015 Honor Ride Ohio

Beautiful (albeit chilly) way to start the Memorial Day holiday weekend with 900+ other cyclists (including a number of veterans, both wounded and not) riding the Ride 2 Recovery 2015 Ohio Honor Ride. Fortunately, Shane made it back from his tours with no (visible) wounds, but many aren’t as lucky. This organization raises money for Project HERO (using cycling in the healing/recovery process for wounded vets). You can still contribute at my fund-raising page. I rode the ’35’ mile route (actually a little over 31), Erin rode the 12. Uphill for first 6 miles (also into the wind) and a 4+ mile stretch after 20, but nice long downhill stretches including the last 7 miles into the finish where I averaged over 20 mph (32 km/h). Temp 51.8-77.1%deg;F (okay, air temp never actually made it above mid-60s, but computer was in the sun, so registered higher), wind from ESE @ 6, max grade 5.2%, total climbing = 777 ft, HRM zones 3-5 1:29, avg HR = 154, max HR = 174. 31.33 mi (50.42 km) in 1:59:53, avg = 15.68 mph (25.23 km/h), max = 29.2 mph (47.0 km/h).