This ride has always been one of my favorites. This one is to raise money for cerebral palsy research. I rode the 48 mile route the first few years, last year and this year, I rode the 64 mile (metric century) route. When I hit the first rest stop averaging 17.5 mph, I set myself a goal of finishing with an average of 17.0 mph or better. I didn’t quite make that due mostly to the hills in the middle 16 miles and head winds in the last 18 or so miles, my secondary goal was to finish in better time than last year (though the route was slightly different due to a bridge being out), that I managed to accomplish. Unfortunately, last year, this was my next to last good ride before I started having symptoms due to my heart issues. This year, I’m expecting to have a few more good rides 🙂 . The ride started drizzle in the first 4 miles and fog and clouds for much of the first 15 or 20. I wouldn’t have minded if the overcast had lasted a bit longer, but it turned into a beautiful day to ride. Rode most of the first 24 with a group of 4 other guys who were doing the 80 mile route. Temp (min/avg/max) – 66.2/75.2/84.2°F, wind from S @ 5, max grade – 5.8%, total climbing – 777 ft (237 m), cadence (avg/max) – 75.5/99, HR (avg/max) – 149.5/170, HR zones 3-5 3:15, power (avg/max) – 160/523W. 63.59 mi (102.34 km) in 3:45:24, avg – 16.93 mph (27.25 km/h), max – 28.7 mph (46.2 km/h). Personal bests on 5 of the 9 RideWithGPS segments on the route.